Metro A’s Spagna station reopened today, Friday, Oct. 4, after an initial restyling phase that lasted 80 days. During this time, invasive work took place on the infrastructure, necessitating its closure to the public. The work will continue until the end of November, but the station will remain open. Some areas and furnishings will still be inaccessible or covered by construction site protections.
What interventions have been made?
As was done at the Ottaviano station, the old rubber flooring in the platform and corridor areas on the Villa Borghese side was removed and replaced with an innovative and sustainable resin coating. A total of 1,600 square meters of flooring was replaced, including 1,100 square meters in the platform area. This work included demolition of the dock walls and vault to install a new duct system that solves the seepage problem. The activities generated more than 34 tons of rubble and included new waterproofing from the mezzanine floor to the landings.
Recovery work done and in progress
In addition to the reconstruction of the piers and vault on both galleries, cleaning and conservation restoration work has been carried out on the mosaic surfaces. Coatings of the vertical travertine surfaces will continue in the coming days.
Other work to be completed
Work will continue without interfering with transportation service, the City of Rome announced. The canopy vault in the dock area and the new lighting system will be completed. Information signage, loges paths, suspended ceilings, vertical cladding, wall finishes and furniture will be installed. The old ticket counter will be replaced by a new Atac Point with a welcoming design. Operator booths will also be renovated and the installation of greenery on the exterior facade will be completed.
Project Description.
The project involves the complete renovation of Rome’s 27 Metro A Line stations, improving infrastructure and design. It includes replacement of translation systems to enhance accessibility, stormwater management systems, waterproofing of concourses and platforms, overhaul of existing facilities, and renovation of interior finishes. Work is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2026.